Back-to-school tips to support body positivity for kids!

Back-to-school tips to support body positivity for kids!

Encourage Self-Expression:

Celebrate your child's individuality and let them express themselves through clothing, hobbies, and interests.

Promote Self-Confidence:

Teach them about self-worth and that their value is not tied to their appearance or size.

Emphasize Inclusivity:

Encourage inclusivity and kindness towards others, highlighting that everyone is unique and valuable.

Positive Role Modeling:

Be a positive role model by showing self-compassion and a positive attitude towards your own body.

Open Communication:

Create an environment where kids feel comfortable discussing their feelings and experiences, without judgment.

No Food Policing & Judgment:

Lean away from judgements and comments around food and lean in with assessing that all kids have access to enough food.

These tips are here to help nurture positive self-image & emotional well-being!

Please keep in mind, everyone is doing the best they can!

Hope Hayes