NNHLLC Partnerships


Rebellious Wellness

A private practice specializing in the treatment of anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, orthorexia and disordered eating in NH.

Feed and Flourish

As Registered Dietitians, our services include addressing nutritional concerns, but evidence-based research shows that health goes beyond what’s on our plates. We’re here to offer a safe and compassionate space to achieve your goals while exploring your relationships with both food and your body.

Insights Group

At an individual or organizational level, the professionals at Insights can help you achieve your personal and professional goals.

Keeping your privacy in mind, the professionals at Insights utilize cognitive behavioral therapy, coaching, and psychological assessments to determine the most effective strategies to help individuals, couples, groups and organizations to achieve their goals.

Growing Roots

Growing Roots Counseling, Consulting and Evaluation was established in 2009. Our expertly trained multidisciplinary staff provide compassionate and comprehensive evidence-based mental health services to adults, adolescents and families throughout central NH.


We are the foremost eating disorders nonprofit organization in New England. We provide education about eating disorders and their underlying causes to develop a compassionate community that promotes hopefulness and supports healing. We offer a variety of services to support individuals and loved ones through the various stages of their journey. Through our network of Treatment Providers and Treatment Centers we connect clients with the best care for their needs. MEDA is the first step toward awareness and healing.

Tree of Life Psychotherapy and Counseling

Found in many cultures, philosophies, and religions, the Tree of Life has been a symbol through the ages. For many it is a symbol of strength, personal growth and development. At Tree of Life Psychotherapy and Counseling, we believe all humans have the innate capacity to move toward healing.

Sometimes, things happen to us in life that make this challenging.

The tendency in mental health care is to look at people through a lens of deficit. Here, we honor every individual’s capacity for survival and provide the framework to move through difficult traumas, losses, fears and sadness to support the next stage of your life. Treatment is holistic and based in your body, mind and heart so coming back home to yourself is possible.


Middle Path Counseling

A private practice located in Amherst, NH specializing in the treatment of eating disorders and anxiety disorders for clients ages 6 and up.

Plymouth State University Health Education & Promotion

Health Education and Promotion (HEP) is a pillar for the broader field of public health, which is the science of protecting and improving the health of people and their communities. This master’s degree program prepares Health Education and Promotion specialists who may serve in a variety of roles calling for broad knowledge and leadership skills used to address health behavior change across all levels of the socio-ecological spectrum, from individual  knowledge, skills and attitudes to community-wide and regional population health, and environmental/policy change leadership.  Graduates will be qualified to take the Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) examination offered by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing. This certification is widely recognized by clinical, corporate, academic and community employment Health Education and Promotion employment settings.