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Do you struggle with Disordered Eating?

Does your relationship with food leave you feeling stressed out?

Did you know that you can eat without judgment?

How does your body image impact your eating?

Feeling done with dieting but feel overwhelmed about what to do?

Maybe we can support you.

Nourishing NH is a trauma-informed dietetic practice supporting folks struggling with disordered eating. We strive to help those with trauma, body dissatisfaction and histories of diet cycling. We also specialize in Sports Nutrition and help folks work toward their specific and individualized health goals. Therapeutic focus can be on reconnecting to intuition, increasing awareness to somatic cues, identifying food rules and challenging them, and taking care of the body at any size. As anti-diet dietitians, we are dedicated to supporting folks as they uncover what their needs are and how to compassionately respond to them as part of healing their relationship with food and body. Nourishing NH welcomes and respects all bodies, races, religions, genders, countries of origin, sexual orientations, abilities and neurodiversity. We strive to make this space as safe as possible for our clients. We hope you feel welcome and supported here.

Already a client? Sign in here!

"At our first session, I was scared to tell Hope about my eating restrictions. They were so much a part of me; they were my coping mechanisms. She truly listened and was compassionate. She helped me meet the challenges that come with learning to eat for healing. Eventually, I began to reconcile my relationship with food, eating and my body."